R&D Projet ANR-17-CE34-0012 received 834k€ in financing by Agence Nationale pour la Recherche in the framework of the challenge 2017 Sécurité alimentaire et défi démographique (DS05) , for a duration of 42 months (Oct 2017- April 2021).
In a context of pesticide use reduction, Greenshield project aims at developping a mobile robot to fight pests, based on spectral analysis for their detection and a laser for their destruction (more details).
The project is undertaken by 5 teams working cooperatively on the various componants of the mobile robot (more details) :
- Ampère Research Laboratory
- BF2i Research Laboratory
- INL Research Laboratory
- Femto-st Research Laboratory
- Green Shield Technology Start-Up
Farming Robotics, spectrometry, insect pest and crop diseases fighting