The project is undertaken by 5 teams working cooperatively on various parts of the mobile robot:
- Ampère Reasearch Laboratory
Méthodes pour l’ingénierie des systèmes (MIS) Department
Robotics Team
Person in charge: Arnaud Lelévé
leads the project in cooperation with GST start-up.
Implied in the optimization of the detection algorithms and in charge of the integration of the components of the mobile robot. - BF2i Reasearch Laboratory
Person in charge: Pedro Da Silva :
specialized in insect pests and their interaction with plants, this team is in charge of creating and supplying an open pest database featuring spectral signatures of main pests. - INL Reasearch Laboratory
Matériaux Department
Spectroscopy and Nanomaterial Research Team
Person in charge: Bruno Masenelli :
specialized in nanotechnologies, this team is in charge of designing the detection and destruction subsystem. - Femto-st Reasearch Laboratory
Automatic Control and Micro-Mechanics Systems Department (AS2M)
MiNaRoB (Micro-Nano-Robotique Biomédicale) Team
Person in charge: Kanty Rabenosoroa :
specialized in optronics and micro-systems, this team is in charge of designing a micro-mirror subsystem to target detection and destruction beams towards pests. - Green Shield Technology (GST) start-up
In charge of the project and CEO : François Gabriel Feugier :
leads the project in cooperation with Ampere team and helps every partner in each design. In charge of experimental validations.